my quran journey

58. Al – Mujadalah-English

1.Heading 2.Ayyat 3.Sub-Heading
1. N/A The Role of Hizbullah (party of Allah)
Pagans practice of divorce through"Zihar" is prohibited and penalty for practicing "Zihar"
Role of Hizb-u-Shetan and their bad ending
2.Role of Hidden Hizb-u-Shetan and their bad ending Lowly acts of hidden Hizb-u-Shetan(Hypocrites)
Difference between Good and Evil secret conversation
How Hizb-u-Shetan act in big mutual gatherings
Remedy to control a mischievous act of the Hypocrites
BefriendingĀ  those who are under the wrath of Allah is an act of hypocrisy
Satan has gained mastery over the hypocrites
3. N/A Allah and His Messengers surely will prevail
Role of Allah'sĀ  party